Functional can also be beautiful

Frost & Forest was started from a genuine love of luxury handbags combined with the need for large and practical bags to use for work. Christine founded the brand after having worked in finance for six years.

You don’t have to shop in the men’s department

As with many jobs, it required her to carry a large laptop, pitch books and sometimes an overnight change of clothes. But when trying to shop for computer bags, the sales reps in most of the bigger brands’ stores would ask her to look in the men’s department because women’s bags weren’t supposed to be practical.

Laptops aren’t just optional accessories

At work events, she kept noticing that so many women were bringing two bags – one stylish and one large enough to hold their things. And very few brands seemed to be doing something about it. Most of the elegant work bags she could find fit at most an iPad. Very few could ever comfortably fit a larger laptop. And the ones that could were rarely structured, so it was difficult to keep things organised.

you need to wear it to feel it

The inspiration for every part of the design of these bags comes from situations she has had during work. Like when a bottle of water fell over in her bag and destroyed a computer while running at the airport to catch a train. Or when she came home exhausted after work at 2 AM, and she had to empty her bag on the street to find chargers or keys. And, of course, from always dragging gym clothes along in a separate bag.

if it doesn’t exist, build it

That's why these bags come with computer pockets, smaller pockets for credit and business cards, straps for chargers and keys and bottle holders for the larger bags.

From us to you

The bags are meant to be a love letter to women in business who want something elegant to use at work. To read more about the bags and how they are made, click here.